DATUM Mar. 2014 | Página 24

Datum 2014 company that offers an electronic license-plate flipper of 10 AWESOME INVENTIONS YOU HAVE NEVER HEARD R.MONIKA ABOUT B.Sc CT (G2) - VI the sort that Bond used to conceal his identity from prying eyes. The $79.00 Vehicle Plate Flipper doesn't allow you to impersonate a Swiss or French driver, but it does flip down at a 90 degree angle at the press of a button to display a message on an underlying plate for the driver behind you. There's also a special $74.99 version for motorcycles. Robot That Devours Insects and Rodents At this point, robotic vacuum sweepers, singing androids and mechanical dogs are old hat. But British inventors Jimmy Loizeau and James Auger have made a quantum leap with the Carnivorous Domestic Entertainment Robot, an automation that would stalk and devour mice We're not sure that this gadget will ever become widely popular, though, in part because some of the device's conceivable uses -- hiding your identity from red light cameras and police, or provoking tailgaters with taunting messages -- could get drivers in a lot of trouble. Indeed, the company that sells the device attaches a disclaimer to its Web site, warning that the gadgets are "STRICTLY intended for off-road use only" and informing potential customers that they take responsibility "for all liabilities associated with the use or misuse of our product" . and insects, and then eat them and digest their bodies to Portable Cat-toy Park produce its own power.They've come up with five different concepts, including the mousetrap coffee table robot, which is designed to lure unwary vermin onto its surface, which contains a trap door triggered by motion sensors. which his pet cat figures out how to imitate his voice and Comedian Steve Martin used to have a routine in Rodent victims trapped by the device would be chemically orders $3,000 worth of cat toys from a mail-order company. dismantled and fed to a microbial fuel cell. The bit certainly resonated with cat owners, who know how easily felines can get into mischief when they're trying to A light on the side of the device would inform the alleviate boredom. In 2009, a New York-based inventor was owner of how much energy is being produced by the auto- granted a patent for one possible solution: a fold-up "cat toy extermination. Other configurations include the Lampshade park" equipped with a scratching post, a tunnel for crawling Robot, which would lure flies and moths to their doom, a through, a hanging chew toy, and most ingeniously, a tube Cobweb Robot that would trick spiders into weaving webs equipped with a fan that blows colored balls around a mesh and then extract and feed them into its fuel cell, and the tube, a game that's "devised to occupy one or more cats". Flypaper Robotic Clock. License Plate Flipper While cat fanciers may applaud the in