Dateline July - September 2019 | Page 4

Independent School District 622 2520 E 12th Ave North St Paul MN 55109 651-748-7250 Gladstone 55+ Program 1945 Manton St Maplewood, MN 55109 NON PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID TWIN CITIES MN PERMIT NO. 4263 Hours Monday–Friday, 8:00 am–3:30 pm Program Staff Cheryl Gysbers Coordinator Francine Evans Meals on Wheels Specialist Mary Kay Olson Program Clerk Christopher Cook Receptionist Program Mission To enhance the quality of life of adults by promoting, sponsoring and coordinating programs and services that advocate for independence and well-being. If you didn’t receive the Dateline in your mailbox, your subscription has expired. Complete and send in the subscription form below. Gladstone 55+ Program Class and/or Dateline Registration Form Dateline subscription $6/ person New Renewal Your payment is for the subscription year begins with this issue: July 1, 2019–June 30, 2020 CLASS # ____________ ___________ ___________ CLASS/ACTIVITY NAME FEE ___________________________________________________ _________ ___________________________________________________ _________ ___________________________________________________ _________ Checks payable to ISD 622 Send payment and registration form to: Gladstone 55+ Center 1945 Manton St. Maplewood MN 55109 Name ________________________________________________________________________ Walk-in Registration hours Address______________________________________________________________________ 8:00 am–3:30 pm at Gladstone City/State/Zip______________________________________________________________ Phone Number______________________________________________________________ Total Payment Enclosed Email_________________________________________________________________________ $ _________ (for conϔirmation and promotions)