They can do so during a number of events and activities throughout the year. Additional inf
nformation is at www. dc. k12. mn. us.
Middle schoolol
As part of its mission, the Dassel-Cokato Middle School program is designed to meet the special needs of middle- level students, grades fi ve through eight, with a program that strives to be“ transitional in nature.” It provides students with a“ bridge between the self-contained classroom of the elementary school, and the departmentalized curriculum of the high school.”
During the 2014-15 school year, the middle school added two more classroom sets of laptops in sixth grade, to continue the district’ s goal of providing students more learning opportunities through access to technology.
To open enroll in Dassel-Cokato Middle School, call( 320) 286-4100, ext. 1600.
High school
Dassel-Cokato High School believes in promoting positive relationships, personal responsibility, and academic rigor in order to prepare students for success in a changing world.
Along with a range of academic opportunities, including advanced placement( AP) and college-credit courses, the high school offers a variety of extracurricular and cocurricular activities for those interested in participating in athletics and fi ne arts.
DCHS believes in being responsive to the needs of students, and challenging them to reach their potential. With this in mind, students recently began using laptops to expand the ways they learn new information. Along with the computers, teachers receive ongoing staff development training to help them make best use of the technology available.
For the 2015-16 school year, DCHS offered an optional take-home laptop for every student every day. Available technology, combined with differentiated curriculum and teaching strategies, will better prepare students for the schools or workplaces they will enter after high school.
The high school also offers courses taught at the school that equate to more than 70 college credits through Southwest Minnesota State University, St. Cloud State University, Ridgewater College, and the University of Minnesota.
The high school can be reached at( 320) 286-4100, ext. 1800.
Community Education
Dassel-Cokato Community Education provides lifelong learning experiences for people of all ages, abilities, and cultures through programs and services offered year-round.
Programming includes youth enrichment and recreation, adult basic education, life-long learning, and recreation. DC Community Education also provides school-age child care through the Charger Kids Club before and after school, and all day in the summer.
Each year, DC Community Education also sponsors Dassel-Cokato Community Theater productions. Small- cast, non-musical productions are performed in the small, intimate theater at Dassel History Center / Ergot Museum in the winter; large-cast, musical productions are performed in the PAC in the summer.
The Fungus Amongus Players 2015 winter production of“ The Romancers” was selected to be performed at the National Association of Community Theatres Festival June 23-27, 2015, in Grand Rapids, MI. The road to this prominent national competition began March 22, 2015 when the Fungus Amongus Players’ performance was awarded Best of Festival at the 2015 Minnesota Association of Community Theatres( MACT) Festival.
Activities and enrichment courses vary throughout the seasons sons. Visit the community education website for details on programming, www. dc. k12. mn. us / commed, or call( 320) 286-4120.
Dassel-Cokato Early Childhood
The Dassel-Cokato Early Childhood Center is located on the Dassel-Cokato High School / Middle School campus, and its programming is under the umbrella of Dassel-Cokato Community Education.
Providing services to families with children ages birth through kindergarten, programming includes Early Childhood Family Education( ECFE), school readiness Play‘ n’ Learn Preschool, and early childhood screening. More information regarding these programs can be found at www. dc. k12. mn. us / ecfe, or by calling( 320) 286-4120.
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Offi cial Guide to Dassel-Cokato 2018-19