Discover Culture, Fun, and History
The Discover Dassel group is comprised of volunteer
citizens who strive to make the city fun, friendly, and
beautiful all year long.
Events taking place in Dassel in 2018 include:
The Dassel Farmers Market, founded in 2011, is
located in Bandstand Park, downtown Dassel. The
market offers fresh fruits, vegetables, and other local
fare Friday afternoons from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. during
the summer months.
Join the Dassel Ambassadors for Dairy Berry Day
mid-summer. Ambassador candidates serve strawberry
sundaes and root beer fl oats, while the Mid-Minnesota
Concert Band plays for the community.
in Dassel
Mid-summer’s Dairy Berry Day is a good time for everyone.
Dassel Ambassadors serve strawberry sundaes and rootbeer
fl oats, and the park fi lls with visitors, friends, and neighbors.
Discover Dassel members also work behind the
scenes planting, weeding, watering, and beautifying
the city. Discover Dassel’s gardeners include: Sheryl
Faust, Marvel Erickson, Laurie Van Horn, Elaine
Herman, Kay Anderson, Julie and Glen Schumann,
Jon Benson, Mark Herman, Nora Dorsey, Jean Schultz,
Pat Inabnett, and Jen Kjell.
Discover Dassel meets monthly the third Tuesday.
Questions may be directed to (320) 275-2454, or check
out the website at
Largest chicken BBQ in Minnesota
Janet Withoff , was one of the 29 artists at the Discover Dassel
Fall Art Tour 2017.
Dassel Ball Park | Mon., Sept. 3
Mark your calendar!
Discover Dassel Art Tour
Dassel History Center and Ergot Museum
901 1st St N. Dassel 55325
Saturday, October 27, 2018 | 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Discover Dassel sponsors an old-fashioned holiday
celebration including caroling and snacks, and a visit
from Santa each December.
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Offi cial Guide to Dassel-Cokato 2018-19