Dassel-Cokato Community Guide 2018 | Page 21

This is also where township members vote. Township items of business may be mailed to the clerk at PO Box 239, Dassel, MN 55325. Township clerk is Karin Colberg (320) 221-0267 (work number), treasurer Galen Nyman (320) 275-2808, and supervisors Erhard Woetzel (320) 275-3107, Kevin Rossow (320) 221-2039, and David Isaacson (320) 420-4534. Recycling stations Recycling is available the fi rst Saturday morning of each month in Dassel behind the he Meeker County shed shed. . It is a joint venture with Collinwood Township. Burning permits Contact fi re warden Stan Varland (320) 275-2541 or Karl Townsend 320-275-2622 for a burning permit. Building permits Building permits may be obtained by calling Meeker County Planning and Zoning at (320) 693-5290. Garbage pickup The township doesn doesn’t t provide garbage service. Residents must arrange with a local sanitation company for pickup. Telephone CenturyLink, (800) 800) 788-3500, 24-hour repair service (800) ( 788-3600, TDD/TTY (800) 627-3529. Lakedale Link, 9938 State Highway 55 NW, Annandale, (800) 546-4963, after-hours repair service (888) 344- 3730 (regular business hours, call (800) 546-4963), www. lakedalelink.net. Gas The township has no gas lines. Residents should contact a local gas company for a liquid propane gas tank and service. Utilities Electricity Meeker Cooperative, 1725 Highway 12, Litchfi eld, (320) 693-3231 or (800) 232-6257. Serving you from two convenient locations 280 Broadway Ave S PO Box 1090 Cokato, MN 55321 700 South Grade Road SW PO Box 399 Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 286-5552 FAX (320) 286-5332 (320) 234-4430 FAX (320) 234-4426 ������������������������������� �������� �������� ���������� �������������������� ������������ ������������ ���������� ���������� ����������� ������������������� �������������������� ����������������� ���������������������������������� ������������� ������������������ ��������������������������������������� ����������� �������������������������������� ������������ Offi cial Guide to Dassel-Cokato 2018-19 ������� ������������� ������������ 21