Electric Drive, Rockford, MN 55373, (763) 477-3000, (800)
943-2667, or e-mail [email protected].
CenturyLink, , (800) 788-3500, 24-hour repair service (800)
788-3600, TDD/TTY (800) 627-3529.
Lakedale Link, 9938 State Highway 55 NW, Annandale,
(800) 546-4963, after-hours repair service (888) 344-3730
regular business hours, call (800) 546-4963, www.lakedalelink.
The township has no gas lines. Residents should contact a
local gas company for a liquid propane gas tank and service.
Ellsworth Township
Ellsworth Township meets at 7 p.m. the third Thursday
of every month at Ellsworth Township Hall, located along
Meeker Co. Rd. 9. This is also where township members
vote. Township items of business may be mailed to Tom
Hauer at 68166 215th St. Darwin 55324.
55324 . There is no
township phone number.
Township clerk is Tom Hauer (320) 420-9956, Treasurer
Elvera Smith (320) 275-2938, and Chairman Dave Jutz (320)
693-7526, Supervisors Roger Wener (320) 275-3186, and
Dave Tipka (320) 693-2347.
Recycling stations
There is no recycling available through the township.
Burning permits
Contact the Meeker County Sheriff ’s Office at (320) 693-
From Elegant to Traditional,
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255 Millard Ave SW, Cokato, MN 55321
Building permits
Building permits may be obtained by calling Meeker
County Planning and Zoning at (320) 693-5290.
Garbage pickup
The township doesn’t
doesn t provide garbage service. Residents
must arrange with a local sanitation company (such as West
Central Sanitation in Willmar) for pickup.
Meeker Cooperative, 1725 Highway 12, Litchfield, (320)
693-3231 or (800) 232-6257.
Embarq, local service residence customer service and
billing at (800) 788-3500.
CenturyLink, , (800) 788-3500, 24-hour repair service (800)
788-3600, TDD/TTY (800) 627-3529.
The township has no gas lines. Residents should contact a
local gas company for a liquid propane gas tank and service.
CenterPoint Energy, gas leak 24-hour emergency number
(800) 722-9326, customer service (800) 245-2377.
Collinwood Township
Collinwood Township meets at 7 p.m. the third Monday of
every month March through October at the town hall, located
at 21904 746th Ave., Dassel. During the winter months,
November through February, the board meets at the homes
of offi cers. In January and February, the third Mondays are
holidays, so the meetings take place the next day.
Call the clerk for the location. There is no township phone.
Township items may be mailed to the clerk at 17757 745th
Ave., , Dassel, MN 55325.
Township clerk is Larry Ostlund, (320) 286-2393, treasurer
is Michelle Schnitzler (320) 275-3904, supervisors Randy
Holm (320) 275-3289, David Prieve (320) 275-3120, and John
Nowak (320) 286-5309.
The polling location for Collinwood is at the township
Recycling stations
ecycling bins are located
loc ated in front of the Meeker County
shed on Public Avenue,
Avenue , and recyclable material can be
dropped off at any time. An
A n attendant is available the fi rst
Saturday morning of each month.
month . It is a joint venture with
Dassel Township.
Burning permits
Contact fi re wardens David Prieve (320) 275-3120, Curtis
Grundahl (320) 275-3010, or Randy Holm (320) 275-3289
for a permit.
Building permits
Building permits may be obtained by calling Meeker
County Planning and Zoning at (320) 693-5290.
Garbage pickup
The township doesn
doesn’t t provide garbage service. Residents
must arrange with a local sanitation company for pickup.
Meeker Cooperative, 1725 Highway 12, Litchfi eld, (320)
693-3231 or (800) 232-6257.
Xcel Energy is also available for some parts of the township,
(800) 895-4999.
Offi cial Guide to Dassel-Cokato 2018-19