County Government
Meeker & Wright
File photo
p hoto by Kristen Miller
Photo courtesy of Wright County administration.
administratio n.
Wright County commissioners are: front – Darek Vetsch,
Charlie Borrell, Christine Husom. back – Mark Daleiden, and
Michael Potter.
Wright County
Wright County Government Center is located at 10 2nd
St. NW, Buffalo, MN 55313-1195, 800-362-3667, (763) 682-
3900; web site is at
The county board of commissioners meets each Tuesday
of the month. Cokato is in District 5 and represented by
Charlie Borrell.
Commissioner District 1: Christine Husom:
Buffalo precincts 1, 2, 3, 4; Chatham Twp., Corinna
Twp., Southside Twp., City of South Haven, Albion Twp.,
Buffalo Twp.
Commissioner District 2: Dar
ek Vetsch:
Vetsch City of
Monticello, Monticello Twp., City of Clearwater, Clearwater
Twp., Silver Creek Twp., Maple Lake Twp., City of Maple
Commissioner District 3: Mark Daleiden: City
of Otsego precincts 1A, 2A, 3; City of Dayton, City of St.
Michael precinct 1B
Commissioner District 4: Michael Potter:
Potte r: Albertville,
Hanover precincts 2 & 3; City of St. Michael precinct 1A;
Rockford Twp., City of Rockford.
Commissioner District 5: Charles Borrell: : Albion
Twp., City of Cokato, Cokato Twp., French Lake Twp.,
Howard Lake, Maple Lake, Marysville Twp., Middleville
Twp., Montrose, Stockholm Twp., Victor Twp., City of
Waverly, Woodland Twp., Franklin Twp., City of Delano
Auditor/Treasurer: Bob Hiivala
Attorney: Tom Kelly
Recorder: Tanya West
Sheriff: Jo
Joe e Hagerty
Assessor: Tony Rasmuson
Coordinator: Lee R. Kelly
Court Administrator: Monica Tschumper
Engineer: Virgil Hawkins
Health and Human Services Director: Jami
Goodrum Schwartz
Surveyor: Steve Jobe
Meeker County commissioners are: Beth Oberg, Joe Tacheny,
Bryan Larson, Mike Housman, and Mike Huberty.
Meeker County
The Meeker County Courthouse is located at 325 Sibley
Avenue North, Litchfi eld, (320) 693-5200; website is at www.
The county board of commissioners meets the fi rst and
third Tuesdays of the month.
Commissioner District 1: Beth Oberg: (Darwin City,
Darwin Township, Litchfi eld City Wards 2, 3 and 4).
Commissioner District 2:
2 Joe Tacheny: (Forest
City Township, Harvey Township, Litchfi eld Township,
Litchfi eld City Wards 1 and 5).
Commissioner District 3:
3 Bryan Larson: (Acton
Township, Cedar Mills City, Cedar Mills Township,
Collinwood Township, Cosmos City, Cosmos Township,
Danielson Township, Ellsworth Township, Greenleaf
Commissioner District 4: Mike Housman:
(Dassel City, Dassel Township, Kingston City, Kingston
Commissioner District 5: Mike Huberty: (City of
Grove City, City of Eden Valley, Forest Prairie Township,
Manannah Township, Swede Grove Township, Union
Grove Township, City of Watkins).
Administrator: Paul Virnig
Assessor: Jason
ason Jorgensen
Attorney: Brandi Schiefelbein
Auditor: Barb Loch
Court Administrator: Debra Mueske
Engineer: Ronald Mortensen
Recorder: Christine Paul
Sheriff: Brian Cruze
Surveyor: Doug Huhn, Northstar Surveying
Treasurer: Sharon Euerle
Offi cial Guide to Dassel-Cokato 2018-19