Dashboards and Saddlebags the Destination Magazine™ Issue 049 April 2015 | Page 32

Tip A Pint In Brewtopia A #113 shev ille may have only 75,000 resident s, but w ith more craft breweries per capita than any other city in the nation, it’s a big town when it comes to beer. Home to more than a dozen craft beer makers, Ashev ille reigned as Beer City USA from 2009 to 2012. The city has five beer festivals – including the Best Firkin Beer Festival – and even boast s a Brews Cr uise, which takes guest s on guided tours of the city’s microbreweries. Brew ing took root in t he cit y in 2004 when Highland Brew ing Company opened it s doors. Others soon followed and now beer has gone beyond being just a drink. Beer lovers can find local beers incor porated into ever ything from condiment s to ice cream to dog biscuit s for m an’s be st fr iend. The reg ion has even attracted larger beer makers such as Sierra Nevada, New Belgium and Oskar Blues, which are setting up East Coast op e r at ion s i n we st e r n Nor t h Project 543 tells the story of Carolina. But North Carolina’s unique spots across North Carolina we hope will become craft beer scene isn’t just limsome of your favorite places. ited to the mountains: You can Why 543? Because that’s the s avor t he t a ste of loc a l beer s number of miles from Manteo, a t m o r e t h a n 10 0 b r e w e r i e s on the coast, to Murphy, in the statew ide. mountains, and is traditionally considered to be the width of our state. The entries in this project are in no particular order, and we’ll add to them each week. Check in often to find inspiration for your next trip, or start planning today at VisitNC.com. 32 Dashboards and Saddlebags The Destination Magazine™