Dashboards and Saddlebags the Destination Magazine™ Issue 035 February 2014 | Page 16

B rewing Craft eer Scene I t may be hard to bottle a place, but it seems like we do it every day across North Carolina. The truth is you’re never far from refreshing, intriguing local beers and people who love to wax poetic about ales, lagers, porters, stouts, and the occasional seasonal experiment or collaboration your neighborhood brewmaster has on tap. The heady aroma of malted barley, bitter hops and fermenting yeast wafts from more than 100 brewpubs and production breweries – already more than any other Southern state and still growing – spread across big cities, coastal villages, mountain towns and rural communities. Their tantalizing variety and award-winning quality have earned the state an esteemed place in the world of craft brewing, and more than a few honors. North Carolina’s embrace of brewing also has attracted the attention of the beer world’s bigger players, with New Belgium, Sierra Nevada and Oskar Blues setting up operations in and around Asheville. That eclectic mountain town has become a center of brewing activity, with more than a dozen breweries up and running, and more on the drawing board. For four consecutive years, Asheville reigned as Beer City USA, which furthered awareness of its hardcore brew culture. Home to a handful of beer festivals, Asheville also ranks among the “24 greatest cities in the world for drinking beer,” according to Gadling, the world’s top travel blog. Asheville even boasts informative guided tours that take visitors to a selection of the city’s innovative microbreweries. When you lift a pint to toast to North Carolina’s abundant breweries, you’ll have plenty of interesting choices, with many creative and far from the ordinary. There are ales and lagers galore, reflecting a range of styles and approaches, as well as porters and stouts that stretch the traditional boundaries. Several forward-thinking breweries are looking back, crafting new beers based on historical beer recipes. Oyster House Brewing Company cooks up Moonstone, a dry Irish stout brewed with, you guessed it, oysters. This 19th century English recipe hearkens back to a time when oysters were cheaper than peanuts and stout was the common man’s ale of choice. A few North Carolina breweries are ignoring styles altogether. Durham’s Fullsteam specializes in “plow to pint” beers that use local ingredients and often don’t fit neatly into any particular beer category. Carver is brewed with 500 pounds of North Carolina sweet potatoes, producing a surprisingly 16 Dashboards and Saddlebags The Destination Magazine™