Dashboards and Saddlebags the Destination Magazine™ Issue 028 July 2013 | Page 19
No R, No Problem
s I began preparing to write this
article, I found myself thinking
of how miserable life would be to
only have the privilege of enjoying
your favorites things for a limited
amount of time. To have things that
bring you joy only for a season, but
June Oysters courtesy of Big Daddy’s Restaurant and Oyster Bar
then be forced to let them go, only
to remember how lovely it was when they were present. Although there
are some circumstances that are unchangeable to this devastating fact of
life, such as your fishing boat and flip flops, oysters no longer fall into this
category. Contrary to popular belief, oysters are not contained in seasons
that come with cooler weather and early sunsets. Take heart, oyster lovers,
your fall-weather favorite is now available year-round.
The old wives tale “Only consume oysters in months with the letter R” was
very true back in the olden days. Dating back to a time-period of nonrefrigerated trucks, it was not possible to ship oysters inland without them
spoiling. However, that time has passed and they are most likely colder
when they arrive at our back door than they were in their ocean home.
The second reasoning behind this myth was that oysters reproduced in
those summer months, due to the
warmer water temperatures. Because
of conservation practices, wild oysters were not allowed to be harvested
during reproduction, or spawning.
Now, with oyster farming acts, it is
healthy and legal to harvest oysters
year-round, without interrupting any
spawning processes.
We ARe A ONe stOP
What some folks do not realize is
that oysters are like grapes, whereas
they obtain a lot of their flavor from
the region they grow in. MFK Fisher
once said that “American oysters
differ as much as American people.”
No two oysters are the same: some
may be better in the summer months,
while others better in cooler months.
Either way, be encouraged to try out
oysters in each season and figured
out which your taste buds like the
most. But most importantly, forget
about the letter R!
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