Dashboards and Saddlebags the Destination Magazine™ Issue 009 December 2011 | Page 4
Dashboards #
The Destination Magazine
We know we are
on to something!
hank you for picking up our
ninth issue of Dashboards
and Saddlebags Magazine. We
will continue to give you new
destination ideas, or perhaps
rekindle forgotten destinations.
Through the years their have
been so many times I heard
about a destination I have tried
to make a mental note... I must
go there. Now we have this
great small format magazine
I can keep around and use for
a reference. The focus is on
You’ll find every issue on line
and downloadable for easy access. You can even view the
magazine on your smart phone
or tablet.
While you are on line look
at our web site, clean and
functional. Not about a ton of
graphics and pizazz, again, it’s
about the destinations. Our map
lists most of the destinations
you’ll read about in Dashboards
and Saddlebags Magazine. Our
maps give you turn by turn
routes you can print out, or
send to your smart phone and
take them with you. Link to
our map on your phone and
you’ll always have someplace
to go. The same applies to
the calendar. When you view
an event on our calendar it
will have a web link, (if one is
available) and a map you can
bring up on your smart phone.
In addition to the destination
information, our advertisers
have links on our main page so
you can get in touch with each
and everyone of our valued
clients from one source!
Why is all this so important?
Dashboards and Saddlebags
Magazine wants to be your “go
to guide” when you are looking
for a quick getaway. That’s it.
We want to be YOUR destination magazine!
Try your smart
phone on this QR
code and go directly
to our web site.
Dashboards and Saddlebags The Destination Magazine