DASH MAGAZINE Issue 1/ August 1, 2014 | Page 25

Jay: Say you met this person on some site and decide to meet

and you got out for a cup of coffee and hit it off well y'all talk and they walk you to ur place.

Y'all kiss and it gets heated but dont go that far. Next days y'all meet and see each other on a regular basis they show some

red flags that you dont like so u pull back from giving ur all these red flags are that they have ex's that are friends and they

blow up the cell with texts messages. Now if you getting to know someone to see where it might go would u bring up the ex's?

Kash: No, you should never bring up an ex unless asked about it. If you are getting to know someone new. You focuse on the now and the furture. Ex's are ex's for a reason.