Darling Dog Magazine December 2024 | Page 15

bar , while I shot pool and drank whiskey and howled at the moon with the boys from six to eleven , or something like that .
We got older together and finally had to quit painting the town . But we still had our thing . When we ’ d set out for the camp , 90 miles southwest of my driveway , she knew where we were headed . She loaded up in the front passenger seat and sat upright like a well-bred debutante . About one-third of the way there , she ’ d lay down with her front paws on the center console , facing me , staring with pure love while I belted out Hank Jr ’ s Habits Old and New album all the way from “ Old Habits ” to “ If You Don ’ t Like Hank Williams ,” with special emphasis on “ Dinosaur ” and “ All in Alabama .”
When we got to the dirt road , she ’ d rear up and start paying attention . When I opened my truck door at the camp , she ’ d beat a circle around the yard , smelling what she ’ d missed in the last week and then beelining down the bank for a swim in the river . I ’ d unload the truck , check the water pump , knock down spider webs , fix a drink , and then walk out on the deck . She ’ d walk up , shake water all over me , then lay at my feet while we took in the Gloaming — the sky to the West , directly across the river from the deck , a million hues of purple , orange , pink , and black .
By the time the sun had set , any doubts I had about my faith in God were distant , and I ’ d reach down , rub her ears gently , grin through the tears , and say , “ Thank you , Lord . Thank you for this moment right now . Thank you for letting us be here in your creation . Together . And while you ’ re there , if it ’ s not too much trouble , please save us both from me .”
Charlie died on March 10 , 2013 . I wrote in my journal : “ Charlie laid down on her bed beside my chair today and died . 12 years my best friend .”
Thank you , Charlie . The years I got were more than I deserved .
Curt Brown ' s childhood and adolescence in Monroe County in rural Southwest Alabama stamped him for life . He loves bird dogs , books , whiskey , cigarettes , pretty women and rock and roll . He over-tips at restaurants and bars and freely gives his cash and spare change to panhandlers in hopes that Jesus approves . He learned everything he knows about politics and popular culture from MAD Magazine in the 1980s and believes work is a necessary evil . He ' d rather be on the Alabama River than the French Riviera . He hopes to spend eternity sharing a luxury apartment with Dan Jenkins , Larry McMurtry and Jerry Jeff Walker and gathering daily with all his old running buddies for dinner and drinks at Bud ' s Bar and Jubilee Seafood .

Semmes Obituary

Iam pretty sure that you thought your name was Dam * it long before you realized that it was Semmes . It had been a minute since I had raised a puppy . I hadn ’ t forgotten that your kind tastes ( i . e ., chews to pieces ) everything , but I guess I thought that you were just too perfect and that it would be beneath you .

We did have it pretty good for a while , though , until you attracted another redhead to the house during a golf tournament across the street . Then she and her own Goldie , Mabry , decided that we had to marry them and let them move in with us .
It really wasn ’ t so bad other than having to share everything with them . Then the kids started to show up ! It was quite hectic those first few years , with little ones pulling your hair and riding you like a horse , but y ’ all sure loved it when we moved to a much bigger yard !
You stayed with us another year after Mabry went to doggie heaven , and I buried you right next to him under the Japanese magnolia out back . Your kids still miss you ! Sure wish you would have gotten to meet T . She was on the way when you left us 6 years ago . She has her own puppy , Charlie , now . I think you would approve ( of both of them )!
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