Darkside Magazine Issue Three | Page 93

for exposing too k artists ac Bl . sh fle e al fem ularly ic rt came under pa sm had ci ra ; ck ta strong at f in ­ stablished itsel re e s. rm fo new, closeted e in- m ca be ip As censorsh lar among creasingly popu support the young, and clined, de ch for free spee xual se on s ck ta these at oad- br expression were ment s rm fo l al ened against onser- ts rio n he W . of speech ooted ross briefly flared ac w ne st Britain in Augu r and lprit 2011, a new cu ss ed am bl y el id was w priated e: tim st fir e th r ogressive fo om social media. Fr attack g, in nn gi that be eries of attacks on social to in e m ring media grew. Du to create e th ch hi w ­ this era xpression as to rs fe re book fication’, Big Panic ­ calls ification’, the came for censorship be more. sands of peo- ou Th d. ea pr wides ongside for hateful, ed ple were arrest attack her ‘menacing’ offensive and ot ations. Free online communic ial under- nt speech, an esse nded from thought, al er lib pinning of softest ord. became a dirty w ression. nd music British gov- Meanwhile, the er attack Darkside en v- in ve- , m the ge sm to n and HIP 93 About Jerry Barnett The author Jerry Barnett became active in the anti­racism movement as a teenager in the late­1970s, and for the next several years was involved in anti­ racism, anti­fascism, anti­apartheid and other causes of the 1980s left. He began a software career in the mid­1980s, and was an early Inter­ net user, getting his first email address in 1988. When, in 1995, the web started to become popular, he started a business to develop web software. Among his early projects was one of the world’s first commercial porn sites. This work led him gradually into the kafkaesque world of ‘liberal’ morality campaigners and the anti­sex attitudes of the British state. ern- ment set out st democracy to become the fir ate Internet st l with an officia ed with the censor, introduc otecting chil- justification of pr raphy. Now og dren from porn te speech ha , m is or porn, terr iveness were and mere offens vernment, all excuses for go , and other es ni pa private com uce censor- bodies to introd sity campuses, ship. On univer ews were vi e’ ‘unacceptabl itain was Br ’. ed m ‘no­platfor is th : attacks not alone in all on were rising si on free expres rn world. In across the weste , presidential the United States Trump prom- ld candidate Dona speech on the ised to end free ect Americans Internet to prot ign threats. from vague, fore As morality campaigners and the British state set out to censor the new medium, Jerry re­ sumed his activism, becoming a lobbyist against censorship, and a regular defender of sexual expression and free speech in uni­ versity debates and in the media. In 2012, he closed his software business, set up the Sex & Censorship campaign, and started work on Porn Panic!, his first book. Jerry has three children ­ one adult and two pre­school ­ and lives with his family in south­ east London. He is also a photographer, and is a frequent traveller, especially to sub­saharan Africa, when time allows. He loves music of many genres, and is proud to be one of Lon­ don’s oldest ravers. Contact [email protected] +44 7921 339 776 ism is facing Western liberal at since the its greatest thre s becomes ic lit 1930s. As po any activists m , ed ris more pola agree on one of left and right sion and de- es pr thing: free ex eir limits, and mocracy have th e to rein them the time has com years ago 15 in. What began e strip clubs id ts ou s with picket our society. is now engulfing For BDSM lovers the world over