Darkside Issue 51 | Page 77

77 get totally involved in the conversation and really build that anticipation . Feeling the desire grow between myself and the client is such a buzz , and when he wants to immerse himself as much as I do , it just gives the whole interaction of fantastic intensity that can ’ t be matched when you just want a quick pop-and-go .
RG : How often are you ‘ on ’ cam ?
More often than not . I am available to chat from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep . Cam sessions last as long as the client wants . Some are just a few minutes ; some are several hours ! It all depends on how much time the client has to dedicate to their fantasy .
RG : How did you get into camming ?
I ’ ve always had quite a fascination with the psychology behind sex , kink , and fetish while also having an insatiable desire to delve into my own sexuality and proclivities . When I learned that you could have a career exploring other people ’ s desires , learning all about what kinks exist and why people enjoy them , and help their fantasies come to life , I was immediately hooked on the idea . I knew it was something I wanted to pursue . After doing some research , I discovered Arousr and thought it was the perfect platform for me .
RG : Do you do any other work in the ‘ adult ’ field ? If not , though , do you want to , and what might it be ?
I don ’ t do any other work in the adult industry at the moment . Because the services Arousr offers are so varied , It does a great job of offering an outlet in multiple different areas . I have always been interested in starring in some full-length porn videos with other performers , though , and if an opportunity like that was ever offered to me , I would very likely say yes !
RG : What is the most difficult thing about camming ?
You need to be very quick on your toes with camming , more so than text or phone calls , in my opinion . You need to work out what the client wants immediately and keep providing it in a way that they would want , at a pace that they would want , with minimal instruction from them . Your ability to read people needs to be outstanding to be successful , and that can sometimes be incredibly challenging .
RG : What ’ s the immediate future for you look like ? Any short-range goals you can share with us ?
Something that ’ s always been important to me is eradicating the toxicity the mainstream porn industry has seeped into everyday sex life . By that , I mean the misinformation regarding anatomy ( bigger doesn ’ t mean better , boys !!!), the lack of focus on foreplay , the fetishization of certain races or sexualities , these things that are considered normal or factual within the general public ’ s understanding of sex that are actually causing harm or shame when they needn ’ t be any . I would love to be able to gain some status and influence within the industry so that I can be a part of the fight against misinformation and aid the spreading of more accurate sex re-education to help people in their everyday lives have more fulfilling , healthier sex . Being a part of a healthy sex-in-porn revolution would be pretty incredible !
Find below Edenn and her TheEdennExperience below :
Arousr - https :// arousr . com / Edenn Twitter - @ EdennArousr Tiktok - TheEdennExperience Instagram - TheEdennExperience
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