Darkside Issue 49 | Page 92




The gorgeous Kelli tackles more of your juicy BDSM-related questions ...

Is hypno-training permanent ?


Kelli ’ s

David asks : Does the process of hypno-training effectively cause permanent changes in behaviours ? As a behavioural modification tool can it be used to rid the subject of doubts and or fears and make the subject more receptive to change ? Can it mentally enslave a subject subconsciously without their knowledge ? And are the effects permanent ?
David , I think the permanence of the behaviour is more instilled in the personality of the person . Hypno-training I do not believe would cause any permanent effects , but the type of person who is willing to do that would have the personality to be such a way for long-term .

Uncomfortable fisting


Lisa asks : My bf has tried fisting my pussy a few times . We have almost got there but not quite as it ’ s been uncomfortable and I ’ ve had a small amount of bleeding after . We ’ ve used loads of lube and have taken things slowly . I really need some advice . The position I ’ m in is on my back legs bent and up .
Lisa , have you tried other positions ? Perhaps you should experiment with other positions and see what you ’ re most comfortable with . Please be careful , if it ’ s causing you injury you may need to slow down and take a break from it . Have you tried using various dildo sizes ? Maybe you can work your way up with dildo sizes to the size of his fists and see if that helps ? Good luck and play safe !
Check out Kelli ’ s links : https :// kellionlinestore . mysimplestore . com / p / links Darkside • Issue 49