Darkside Issue 39 | Page 13

Darkside 13
PD : Is there anything that You haven ’ t done within the BDSM world that You wish to ?
Well , on webcam I have done everything that I know of , but in real life I have lots of experiences to explore and I will do them at the right time with the right submissive .
PD : How do You feel about the way that Pro-Dommes and BDSM in general get portrayed in the media ?
I feel that we are seen as evil witches , but in reality we are lots of types of Dommes like , for example , I am a mix of sensuality – very erotic , but also a cruel and disciplinary Mistress .
PD : Do You consider Yourself as being a Dominatrix in all aspects of your life or do You separate this from a more
“ vanilla ” life ?
I consider myself dominant in all the aspects of My life .
PD : What do you like to do in your spare time ?
I have another career which is as a beauty tattoo artist .
PD : Anything else you would like to mention ?
I have already mentioned this , but I am also a cam model as well as a Mistress , and this means that I do sesssions with my slaves on camera . So , come and pay me a visit and SUBMIT :)
PD : Goddess Samariel , thank you so much for speaking with us !
Stay dark