Darkside Issue 38 | Page 9

9 thwarted at every attempt for change and improvement . I tried to keep my head down and do the work . It didn ’ t last long as I made myself very known to the higher ups and to keep myself sane , I quit . I now pave my own way and give orders to older men ( and all genders ).
PD : Do Your slaves come from any particular area of society or is it a cross-section ?
I find the majority of my slaves come from one of two groups . One is young tech , those who are working behind computers all the time creating and shaping the new world that need a break from the alternate universe of the digital realm and getting into touch with their bodies . The other group are high executives that have worked their way up the corporate ladders , now looking to be knocked down a few rungs .
PD : What happens in a normal session ?
No session is normal . Every single session is a uniquely curated experience for us and my maximum pleasure . Every individual is unique and every meeting is different . Is there anything normal about a BDSM session ?
PD : Do You enjoy Dominating male and female subs in the same way ? Do you meet couples ?
There is a different kind of satisfactory pleasure that is derived from every individual and yes , their gender does play some role in that . Whether or not I am harder / stricter on one or another is entirely up to that individual ’ s limits . As for couples , it can be incredibly beautiful to guide and be a part of their growth together and individually . It is so special to watch them blossom while holding space for them to connect in such a way that creates a parallel universe for whatever may come in their future or work on matters that are currently effecting their relationship .
PD : What is Your favourite fetish ?
My favorite are diapers ! The fact that it is a taboo and outlier fetish makes me want to nurture it more . Often misunderstood and rejected , makes it a fun challenge to make a bold statement in the BDSM community shocking those who are the ones that are used to shocking others . I find it to be a fun fetish that can be used to compliment so many other fetishes .
PD : If someone asked You to take them past their limits , would You ?
Nobody has to ask me to take them past their limits . I naturally push them out of it . In order to grow and learn about oneself , one must go past their comfort zone . Only then are they faced with ideas and experiences that truly make them feel alive .
PD : How important is after care to You ?
After care is the most important part of the session . After being pushed past one ’ s limits and enduring such strenuous activities , it is vital to their mental health to provide a soft landing , also feeding into Stockholm syndrome . If there is a specific allotment
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