DAPPER M August 2014 | Page 15

  Playing on the emotions of a person can deter a genius from the positive path originally taken. Signs of a constructive relationship: The person takes responsibilities for their faults or infractions within the friendship. They give unbiased advice that does not benefit them in any way. Known to be habitual balloon poppers their willing to tell you the truth about yourself regardless of the altercations that may be symptoms of this effect. Willing to back you physically or verbally in any aggressive actions due to circumstances that at times are uncontrollable. Willing to sacrifice time due to your needs being it a favor or crisis. If this describes or profiles more than a few people in your team or most of these character traits you see in your close circle of friends than the track ahead will be filled with less bumps. Deconstructive behavior: the person criticizes your achievements or tries to take away the shine from your recent   accomplishments, with sometimes subliminal jabs to your 15