Daniela Sandoval Q4 Portfolio Branching Out | Page 18



At the beginning of this year I was very cautious about not making overly sentimental pieces. I refrained from going too in depth with meaning and in exchange I’d make up for it with odd ideas and overachieving descriptions. By doing this I restrained both my own feelings and ideas—when ultimately, that is sort of the whole point of writing. As the year progressed I decided to make my pieces far more introspective or making a stance about an issue.

I believe I’ve always had a strength with description and character personalities. The descriptions can be seen for example in pieces like “Nightmares” or even a more recent one, “Wave”. I make a conscious effort to describe into as much detail as possible without it being overwhelming. As for characters, I think I was able to accomplish that in pieces such as “Delirium”.

Yet, for years I have struggled with portraying a deeper meaning into my pieces. Most of my pieces feel cut short of with the desire of something more. I’m just still trying to figure out what that something is. This is seen for example in my failure of ending in the piece “Big Fish”.

I feel like I have grown the most in these last couple of months with being comfortable with expressing pieces of my life and being okay with people reading them. More and more, I use examples of my life and matters that are very present, while incorporating these strong descriptions. I hope I can keep developing my argumentation and sustained pieces.