AARP Iowa Acme Electric Company Alliant Energy Foundation Cedar Rapids Tourism Office DogGuard Fidelity Bank and Trust Fleck Sales Gehring Orthodontics Great Western Bank Greater Cedar Rapids Housing and Building Association Remodelers Council Green State Credit Union Hills Bank and Trust Company Kepros Physical Therapy & Performance King ' s Material , Inc . Shuttleworth & Ingersoll , P . L . C . Zmoos Chiropractic Center PLC
MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES The following organizations generously participate in our employee donation match program . Please contact hannah . brewer @ theatrecr . org to learn about how your company can get involved .
Alliant Energy Matching Funds Collins Aerospace Matching Gifts GoDaddy Home Depot Foundation Monsanto Fund Matching Nordstrom Direct Paypal Charitable Matching Gifts PepsiCo Foundation Schneider Electric Matching Foundation Trey Electric Matching Gifts US Bank Matching Gifts