Dallas County Living Well Magazine November/December 2021 | Page 23

Yellow leaves are pretty . Yellow teeth are not !

Everyone loves the seasonal color changes that autumn brings . Truthfully , the changing leaves are one of the highlights of the season ! However , those beautiful shades of yellow look much prettier on a tree than they do on our teeth . Although some teeth discoloration is natural as we age , here are a few tips to ensure that your teeth aren ’ t changing colors with the leaves this fall !

FOR THE COFFEE DRINKER : When you are enjoying your routine morning cup of coffee , you can protect your smile from coffee stains in a few ways . Start by avoiding direct contact between your coffee and teeth by drinking your coffee . Next , rinse off the residual coffee residue with a glass of water . through a straw . Lastly , you can rinse with mouthwash after your cup of coffee for 30 seconds to help bring your teeth back to a neutral PH .
FOR THE SNACKER : If you ’ re someone who prefers to snack throughout the day , choose teeth-friendly snacks ! Foods such as dried fruits and bread can easily get stuck in between your teeth , and if not removed , can lead to tooth decay . Crunchy fruits and vegetables can act as “ nature ’ s toothbrush ” because their fibrous texture allows them to remove plaque deposits from the surface of our teeth .
FOR THE PLANNER : Your work calendar isn ’ t the only calendar to prioritize ! Remember to schedule your routine cleanings every six months . Visiting the dentist every six months gives us the opportunity to remove any tartar buildup , and check for any other oral concerns .