Dallas County Living Well Magazine November/December 2017 | Page 8

Cataract Surgery Q & A

Courtesy Key-Whitman Eye Center

What to Expect Before , During and After

We ’ ll all develop cataracts as we age which will gradually affect quality of vision . But there ’ s good news ! With cataract surgery , the old lens is removed and replaced with an artificial intraocular lens . It ’ s safe , it ’ s painless and effective !

If you ’ re considering laser cataract surgery , you most likely have a lot of questions . Key-Whitman ’ s Dr . Martin L . Faber answers some of the most commonly asked questions .
Question 1 : What are the common symptoms of cataracts ? The most common complaint is night vision difficulties , where they experience a lot of glare , halos and starburst symptoms , especially when driving . People also complain of a haze or fog obstructing their vision and will notice their vision gets blurrier over time . with you and address any questions you have . Typically , patients leave with a protective eye patch , which will be removed during their follow-up visit the next day .
Key-Whitman uses the most advanced technology available , so healing occurs more quickly today and with fewer complications . Once the eyes have healed , most patients are surprised . They can see clearly again and notice how colors are much more vibrant than what they could see with cataracts . Depending on the type of intraocular lenses patients choose , many become less dependent on glasses .
You should also be aware that the surgeon won ’ t operate on both eyes during the same visit . Surgeries are typically scheduled one to six weeks apart , with three weeks being the average time . This allows plenty of time for the first eye to heal and the patient to realize the full extent of correction in that eye .
Question 2 : How do I prepare for cataract surgery ? Before your procedure , you ’ ll undergo a preoperative exam to ensure you are physically healthy enough to have surgery , determine the level of correction needed and to review the type of intraocular lens options available ( monovision , accommodative , multifocal , astigmatic correction , etc .).
Before a patient ’ s procedure , Key-Whitman ’ s counselors walk the patient through the process , review insurance coverage and ensure the lens option the patient selects best meets their goals .
Question 3 : When is it time to get cataract surgery ? When cataracts have worsened to the point where they prevent you from performing day-to-day tasks and interfere with your quality of life , it ’ s time to consider cataract surgery . Essentially , we assume how well we see is normal . But if it gets to the point where you ’ re afraid to drive at night , can ’ t see well enough to safely take your medication or do household chores , and feel a loss of independence due to failing vision , cataract surgery can allow you to enjoy life again .
Question 4 : What misconceptions do people have about cataract surgery , and what can I really expect during the procedure ? In the past , cataract surgery was quite invasive , there were fewer lens options , and healing took much longer . The biggest misconceptions people have is that the procedure is painful and complicated . That couldn ’ t be farther from the truth today .
Question 5 : What can I expect following cataract surgery ? After your surgery , the surgeon will review the procedure
Cataract Surgery Checklist Prior to surgery :
1 . Schedule a consultation and pre-operative eye exam to verify you are a good candidate for cataract surgery and if any medications you take could interfere with the surgery .
2 . Meet with a patient counselor to discuss questions , verify insurance coverage , finalize the type of intraocular lens you would like implanted and schedule surgery .
3 . If your eye surgeon recommends antibiotic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drops prior to surgery , receive your eye drop prescriptions and review the drop sequence required ( drops per day , type of drops , period of time prior to surgery , etc .).
4 . Arrange for a friend or family member to accompany you on surgery day as you won ’ t be allowed to drive yourself home due to the twilight sedation .
Day of surgery : 1 . Go through pre-surgery prep , vitals check , numbing drops and twilight sedation . 2 . Undergo surgery ( typically lasts 20 minutes or less ) and recover from sedation .
3 . Recap surgery with surgical team , during which time vitals are checked and a piece of tape or protective eye shield is applied to the eye . 4 . Review post-surgical instructions . 5 . If on an eye drop protocol , receive post-surgical drops and drop sequence . 6 . Plan to rest at home for the remainder of the day . Abide by any physical restrictions required by the surgeon .
Days and weeks following surgery : 1 . Next day , return for first follow-up visit with a friend or family member and schedule next follow-up visit .
2 . Diligently follow any drop protocol provided .
6 DALLAS COUNTY Living Well Magazine | NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2017