Dallas County Living Well Magazine March/April 2017 | Page 33

Don ’ t Let Embarrassment Hold You Back . A Colon Cancer Screening Could Save Your Life .

Courtesy of Healthcare Associates of Texas

Did you know that the most common symptom of colon and rectal cancer is no symptom at all ? Colon and rectal cancers almost always develop from polyps in the colon or rectum that are precancerous and have no symptoms .

Screening tests , such as colonoscopy and virtual colonoscopy , find these polyps and colorectal cancers early when they are more easily treated . Here ’ s the deal with colon and rectal cancers : Caught early , they are very treatable and survival rates are very high . But , late stage colon and rectal cancers are difficult to treat and survival rates are low . There are more deaths annually from colon and rectal cancers than from breast cancer and AIDS combined .
No one should die from colorectal cancer . Avoiding late stage colorectal cancer is easy .
Simply follow the recommended screening schedule . According to the American Cancer Society , starting at age 50 , men and women at average risk for developing colon or rectal cancer should use a screening test at a regular interval . African American men should start this at age 45 based on studies over the last several years . The screening options include virtual colonoscopy every five years . For people at an increased or high risk of colon or rectal cancer , doctors recommend starting screening before age 50 and / or more often . And , the type of test they recommend depends on the specific risks .
Expense , time off from work , and needing a driver depends on the screening test you select . Virtual colonoscopy is typically 100 % covered by insurance , requires about 45 minutes , and you don ’ t need a driver .
Traditional colonoscopy requires sedation so you will need a driver to and from the test and likely need to take off the remainder of the day from work . You ’ ll usually be at the hospital / surgery center for at least 2 to 4 hours . If a polyp is found and removed , it is billed as a diagnostic colonoscopy and not as a screening colonoscopy . Typically , diagnostic colonoscopies go towards co-pay , co-insurance , and / or deductibles .
Virtual colonoscopy requires no sedation , allowing you to drive to and from the procedure and have nodowntime recovering from sedation . Total procedure time is about 45 minutes and you can resume activities immediately . Because the virtual colonoscopy is screening by nature , it will always be billed as a screening colonoscopy and will likely be 100 % covered by commercial insurance under a wellness benefit .
So , if screening is the key , why doesn ’ t everyone get screened ? Patients put off this very important screening for many reasons : embarrassment , expense , time off from work , and needing a driver .
Let ’ s talk embarrassment . The professionals who perform the colonoscopies and virtual colonoscopies , are just that , professionals . Your privacy will be of the utmost importance and they will use draping to keep you covered up .
Healthcare Associates of Texas provides its patients with a total continuum of care by offering comprehensive family medicine and ancillaries under one roof . For more information , you can visit their website at www . healthcareassociates . com .
( 972 ) 953-2586