Dallas County Living Well Magazine March/April 2016 | Page 21

From left to right are: Todd J. Agnew, O.D., Larry A. Fish M.D., Jeffrey Whitman, M.D., and Pat Colerick, O.D. some commercial insurers and can offer long-term savings for patients who reduce dependence on drops. Abandoning or altering the treatment plan your doctor has prescribed is not a good idea, especially with glaucoma. If you don’t take the adequate amount of drops, you won’t be able to control eye pressure properly and vision loss and eventual blindness will occur. Don’t take glaucoma lightly. The risks are real! Let’s put it this way. If you have glaucoma and don’t seek treatment you will eventually go blind. Period. “Glaucoma is a chronic eye disease that requires ongoing treatment by a glaucoma specialist. Even if you FEEL fine, if you have glaucoma, it’s vital to see your eye doctor every three or four months (or per your doctor’s recommendation) to keep your eye pressure in check,” advises Dr. Hong.