Dallas County Living Well Magazine March/April 2016 | Page 14

Safe in the Storm O By Lisa Jenkins-Moore n December 26, 2015 several tornadoes swept through DFW and surrounding areas, leveling homes, churches, and businesses, sweeping vehicles off the road, injuring hundreds and killing 11. I was home that evening huddled under our stair closet with a puppy, my children, and a friend while my husband and grandfather were in the bathroom with our other two dogs. Sirens went off loudly around us and our phones sent frequent emergency alerts warning us to take cover. Our community group communicated over Voxer and we prayed fervently for one another, asking God for His protection and commanding the storm to subside. The path of one of the largest tornadoes wound through Sunnyvale, Garland, Rowlett, Wylie, and many other cities before it dissipated. As it moved north it remained on the west side of 12 Lake Ray Hubbard, decimating portions of Rowlett. It then headed northeast into Wylie. My house sits just on the other side of the lake from Rowlett, which experienced unbelievable destruction. While God answered my prayers and my friends’ prayers for safety that night, others went unanswered. As I watched videos of the destruction and viewed pictures of demolished homes, I was amazed at the courage and faith of those who lost so much. One friend posted a picture of a home with only a few walls standing. On the face of the brick the homeowner had spray painted, “God is good; all the time.” I’ve heard it said that faith isn’t faith until it is tested. When I think of someone who has lost everything standing in the rubble of what was once his “castle” spray painting the words “God is good all the time,” I question my own faith. Would I make such a statement DALLAS COUNTY Living Well Magazine | MARCH/APRIL 2016 in the midst of tragedy? Would you? Though most of us have never experienced the terror of a tornado, or survived a destructive storm, all of us have weathered personal storms of one kind or another. Perhaps you’ve lost a loved one to cancer or a tragic accident; maybe you’ve dealt with a disability or been through bankruptcy. Some of us have paid the price of poor choices, while others have suffered from no fault of their own. Regardless of the cause of negative circumstances in our lives, we all face difficult challenges, and as followers of Christ our response is important. While we must remember God is more concerned with our character development than our comfort level, it can be hard to trust Him at all times. We must learn to do as David did and “strengthen ourselves in the Lord” (I Samuel 30:6). People experience God on different levels—some hear His voice, others feel His presence, some see vi-