DairyPost Africa Magazine_ May. 2014 | Page 40

DairyPost Africa • May 2014 HolStein Most popular dairy breed large volumes of milk dAiry SireS 2012 Annual U.S. Milk Production Ave. by Breed Breed Milk (kg) Holstein 10,814 Jersey 7,742 Milking Shorthorn 6,505 Guernsey 7,043 Brown Swiss 8,501 Ayrshire 7,045 Fat % 3.66% 4.77% 3.60% 4.55% 4.11% 3.90% Pro % 3.08% 3.64% 3.12% 3.37% 3.41% 3.17% Source: USDA-AIPL, 2012 DHI Averages; Actual measured milk production 40 World Wide Sires offers bull semen from every major dairy and beef breed. The U.S. is home to more than nine million dairy cows! The diverse genetic base provided by this large population ensures a wide range of genetic products available to meet your needs. AyrSHire Hearty breed; efficient milk producers Brown SwiSS Docile breed; large quantities of high quality milk 161 proven Holstein sires available from WWS JerSey High butterfat and protein content, small stature breed 24 proven