DairyPost Africa Magazine_ May. 2014 | Page 20

20 DairyPost Africa • May 2014 Yard balance, according of the prescribed nutrient comparison. The plant nutrients which are withdrawn from the basic fodder production must be monitored through samples of soil and farmland. 2. Monitoring of feed Only individual components may be used in milk production feed, these components should be in a list of organisations for cattle breeding and every farmer should have access to this datas. 3. Milk research Nationwide research would be the choice to support farmers in problem solving and trouble shooting with services as: Milk testing on cows in yield and chemical parameters Inhibitor test of each individual milk collecting can, or truck Alphatoxine monitoring Heavy metal analysis Milk yield and quality 1 x per month each milk is checked on • Amount of milk per cow tested on site • Milk fat • Milk protein • Somatic cells • Total bacteria count • Fat free dry matter Inhibitor test of cans and collection vehicle Inhibitors are residues of antibiotics, sulfonamides and other medicines that are transferred into the milk and can lead to acidification problems in the milk processing plant on sourmilk products and cheese. Inhibitors meanwhile can be detected in lowest concentrations. If a positive milk is detected by the lab of the processing plant, the milk is disposed, because it can lead to health problems, if the milk products are eaten by consumers. Due to newest lab technology even lowest amounts of alfatoxine and others can be detected and tracked back to the farmer within a time of 24 hours. Milkotester with results on processed milk for skim milk quark, fat 0,9 % !