Daily Planet Magazine | Page 2


Horror film is a genre that aims to create a sense of fear, panic, alarm, and dread for the audience. These films are often unsettling and rely on scaring the audience through a portrayal of their worst fears and nightmares. Horror films usually center on the arrival of an evil force, person, or event. Many Horror films include mythical creatures such as ghosts, vampires, zombies and demons. Traditionally, Horror films incorporate a large amount of violence and gore into the plot. Though it has its own style, Horror film often overlaps into Fantasy, Thriller, and Science-Fiction genres. The Horror genre has alot of sub-genre as well such as teen-horror, supernatural-horror, monster-horror, slasher etc.


Warner Brothers being one of the big six studios in American Film Industry got my attention. As I have chosen to make a Horror Film, I think Warner Bros meets my expectations and requirements as they have a great variety of Horror Films such as The Exorcist and The Shining (1980), They are known to be one of the greatest Horror Films of all time and manage to frighten people to this day. Some other recent outstanding Horror Films are The Conjuring Series who have received great success and critical acclaim, being a Warner Bros movie made me even more inclined to choose Warner Bros as my Institution. The thing that pushed me to make this decision was that all these movies have one thing in common they don’t use cheap jumpscare tactics but frighten us with building up suspense and creating a chilling atmosphere mixed with a great story. Which is what makes them different from regular Horror Films and that is what I achieved too and Warner Bros helped me achieve just that.


The film centers around a man named Sean Harrison. He is a collector of rare items and in search of one gets a message by an annoynomous person who asks him to come to his/her's house. Sean arrives at the house only to see its an old lady. she tells him she is getting the artifact but doesnt return and is found dead. Sean trys to run away but gets knocked out. He wakes up to find three people chanting something in a different language. The leader tells him, he's a demon from the artifact and on the full moon he will transfer his soul into Sean's body. From there Sean trys to escape multiple times only to fail. when he is about to give up, he thinks of a plan by breakng the artifact so that the entity dies and as he is about to break ir, The screen goes black and a sound is heard of the artifact breaking.