Daily Devotions Lent 2018 | Page 7

 FEB. 18 The First Sunday in Lent GENESIS 9:8-17 PSALM 25:1-9 1 PETER 3:18-22 MARK 1:9-15 God, I am in a desert again. It is full of rocks and loneliness, sand and frustration. I tried to follow you. I stepped out in faith, and you brought me into sorrow. I have no joy to give you, no hope, no right spirit. I am left with my disappointment and hurt. This is not the life I wanted. This is not the way things were supposed to go. And yet even here will you meet me? What could you want with someone like me? But oh God, do not give up on me! You did not bring me here to die. In Christ, even in this desert, I am your beloved. God, I believe this, and I don’t. Give me courage to live in this desert and to leave it when you call. Give me the faith to know that you are all that I need. Only then will I live. Only then will I proclaim, with Jesus, the good news of your kingdom come. Amen. Andrew Lawton [7]