FEB. 25
The Second Sunday in Lent
GENESIS 17:1-7, 15-16 PSALM 22:22-30
ROMANS 4:13-25 MARK 8:31-38
Gracious God, thank you for the clergy and
parishioners of St. James’ Church, a community
whose faith is strong and growing. Yet, Lord, I
worry about the world outside these walls that
seems increasingly focused on what’s newer,
faster, hipper, bigger and shinier, rather than on
divine and eternal things. On this second Sunday
in Lent, as we meditate on Jesus’s final days and
rejoice in our salvation, I pray all of us here in
the Sanctuary may be apostles of the Gospel of
your Son to our neighbors and friends. Please
let the Holy Spirit work through us. Amen.
Miriam Burns