image change. Some people say “Dress not
for the job you have, dress for the job you
want” and I would have to give them right.
As everything in a business environment
making the right impression and meeting
your customers and partners requirements
is rooted in details. You need to master
your body language, create your dress
code, craft the right working environment
and provide the service/product you are
supposed to and as you are supposed to.
The next issue of D Communication Guide
will continue discussing marketing communication and strategy with special focus
on startups and small business. However,
companies redesigning their communication or stakeholder strategy will certainly
find some useful insights there as well
The next issue will focus on communication and stakeholder strategy. The tutorial
will guide you through SWOT analysis implementation and give examples of when
SWOT analysis should be performed.
Paying a lot is not what guarantees your
way up. It will help if you spend a lot of
money on advertising and relationship
marketing but the good news is that interactive platforms as social media, old good
forums, blogging, etc. can actually have the
same or stronger effect than advertising.
The rule all the way through is the same:
be professional and engage your publics.
Today you do have the opportunity to run
a completely online business which is great
but has its weaknesses varying from country to country and from branch to branch.
Therefore having the opportunity of setting
up an office for a day in addition to your
“online office” might only be good for you.
Do not forget the rule: no matter what you
do and how you do it, communicate professionalism.
Next issue comes with more pages, refined theory and tutorials going deep
into details.
You can always challenge and enrich
your communication knowledge at