D Communication Guide Dec. 2013 | Page 19
To make your experience complete we
have provided you with a Management
Store where you can browse and buy marketing literature and management software
as SEO software, CRM, accounting, etc.
Last but not least, we have changed the
way you can access resources. Until now it
was only possible to access our articles archives and the last issue of D Communication Guide via the website .
Now you have the option to access premium content including an archive of all
issues of D Communication Guide and a
collection of e-books filled with practical
The next issue of D Communication Guide
will continue discussing marketing communication and strategy with special focus
on online strategies and their importance.
You will learn the secrets around making a
website and you will be led through the
“why” in the process.
Focusing on the necessity of understanding the online environment and the new
communicational reality you will get insights about how a successful online strategy is developed.
Those resources are free but to access them
you need to subscribe as you will be getting
an amazing package of premium marketing
materials including an e-magazine and an e
-book every month plus marketing news,
trends, tricks and tips directly into your
To get the most out of our free resources
you have to simply click on the picture below, fill out the form on our website and
enjoy you free access to marketing expertise!
D Communication Guide is issued once a
month by D Communication Group.
Editor in Chief: Diana Z
© D Communication Group 2014