Candy Bar
Tastes good, more chocolate and fruit in it,
lower price, attractive packaging, special recipe
More calories, unhealthy ingredients, fcontains allergens, ruit increases the possibility of
the candy going bad
Children like the product, competitor products are more expensive, wider market share
is possible by changing packaging
Competitor can lower prices, consumers turn
to healthier options, children get obese, consumers develop allergies, ingredients are being listed as dangerous, restrictions stop sales
at schools day centers
How to market?
Do not forget to mention
Taste, fruit content, price, children preferences (target parents)
Overuse causes obesity (in commercials)
Make it exciting with a story, competition or
other types of consumer engagement tools
(target teenagers—potential consumers)
Allergies and other health risks clearly stated
on packaging.
Reward loyal consumers (target children)
Help consumers make a buying decision. Use
media appropriate for your target groups and
encourage customers with bonuses.
Avoid your product being labeled as a cause of
obesity and accusations that you are encouraging overuse by stating that overuse can
cause it. When choosing marketing channels
and strategies avoid such which are consid17
ered abusive for people with food cravings.