New stakeholder paradigm. Managing
stakeholders has always been about securing
corporate operations in the sense that unsatisfied stakeholders might endanger business in many different ways.
Examples here might be a state licensing
agency unsatisfied with business certifications or practices shutting down the company. However, this is far from the
only way stakeholders may act.
What is meant by this is that people are
more likely to believe information their
friends or peers share than information
coming from official sources.
Thus, stakeholder management
taken a turn to a change.
Today companies need to rethink their
whole strategy and instead of thinking in
terms of important and not important
stakeholders they need to focus on
Nowadays a good example of
stakeholder adverse actions are
the many Social Media-driven anti
-branding campaigns, often based
on a single negative experience.
This puts stakeholder management into a completely different
perspective. What before were
stakeholders were in most cases a
handful. Today basically anybody
can become dangerous given that
certain factors as Social Media
user reactions turn an individual
claim into a full-blown campaign.
Additional word of warning here is
that even if regular users do not
naturally react upon such individual claims there are enough of a
company’s competitors out there
who will make sure that the story
reaches as many as possible.
Last but not least, a socially driven
campaign is in all cases deserving
attention as its potential is unlimited.