CyprusGasNews May 2014 CyprusGasNews for June 2014 | Page 16
September 9 - 10
2nd East Mediterranean Oil & Gas Conference
Focusing on the regional development of hydrocarbon resources in Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, and downstream export economics options from the region into the neighbouring markets of Turkey, Egypt, Greece,
Jordan, Europe and Asia.
More info:Evgeny Makushin East Mediterranean Oil & Gas Conference Producer
+44 (0) 207 596 5076 [email protected]
October 15-17
CYPGasTech 2014
CYPGasTech 2014 exhibition, occurs in Cyprus for the first time, in order to gather and showcase in one
event, the latest developments in the Oil & Gas sector such as planning, manufacturing, equipments,
management, support, services, training, etc. Furthermore, CYPGasTech 2014 is the only Oil & Gas exhibition in Cyprus dedicated to highlight the major role of Limassol in conjuction with the port and to activate
its productive classes in front of the new energy era in East Mediterranean.
More info: V. Zomenos, Director Zomidea Events, T: +357 99722779,
E: [email protected]
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