CyprusGasNews May 2014 CyprusGasNews for June 2014 | Page 13

Forum on Visegrad Group-Eastern Mediterranean Energy Cooperation A very successful forum has been held on the University of Nicosia on the 7th of May with the title Visegrad Group-Eastern Mediterranean Energy Cooperation. The Embassy of Hungary in Cyprus, in cooperation with the Embassies of Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, and with the support of the University of Cyprus, organised under the Hungarian Presidency of the Visegrad Group. The speakers of the forum. Dr. Anita Orbán, Ambassador-at-Large for Energy Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary Dariusz Bugajski, Expert, LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A Jitka Holubcová, Advisor to Ambassador-at-Large for Energy Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Constantinos Hadjistassou, teaching faculty member, Master’s in Petroleum Engineering, University of Cyprus Stelios Nicolaides, Acting Director, Hydrocarbons Service, Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Republic of Cyprus Ambassador Tasos A. Tzionis, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus Panos Papanastasiou, Dean of the Engineering School of the University of Cyprus. Our thanks for the invitation to the embassy of Hungary and to the University of Cyprus for the excellent organization of the forum. CyprusGasNews| 13