Cyprus Finest Magazine (issue 1, 2017) | Page 59
© 2017 KPMG Limited, a Cyprus limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
The key to a
successful merger
is acquiring the
services of KPMG
Corporate Finance.
Having the right investment bank to advise you on a merger
is crusial to your business success. And there's no better
bank in that regard than KPMG Corporate Finance. Over the
years, we've helped numerous companies large, medium and
small to identify the right merger targets. We've also helped
them to develop transaction strategies by offering insights
into terms and pricing, deal structures, debt and equity
financing, accounting considerations and every other aspect
of the proposed deal. We're proud to say that our clients have
entrusted our expertise and experience to such a degree that
we've closed more deals than any other investment bank in
the mid market. So if you're considering a merger, our services
should be your very first acquisition.
KPMG Corporate Finance
We can do a great deal together |