CYPnaval 2015 Conference e-Booklet enhancing the protection of Blue Economy | Page 32
The presentation refers to the security challenges as well as the subsequent missions for the navies and
focuses in the training provided by NATO member states and partner nations to cope with the new
That global maritime environment is in the midst of significant changes. New challenges and threats
have emerged, growing illegal non state actors threaten vital sea routes, states challenge the principles
of international Maritime Law and an increase of maritime terrorist activities and of illegal immigration
is witnessed. All these aforementioned changes have a strong impact on the maritime environment and
therefore require all actors to upgrade their maritime dimension through their maritime strategy. In
this framework navies must be well prepared to take action in support of counter proliferation
initiatives, in protecting vulnerable critical infrastructures, in supporting law enforcement operations
and protect freedom of navigation.
Maritime Interdiction Operations (ΜΙΟ) is the necessary tool to successfully conduct any maritime
security operation. Maritime interdiction core element is the interaction with seafarers who at their
majority carry out their legitimate activities. Maritime interdiction needs to be implemented by using
common tactics technics and procedures that need to be well known and adhered to by the units at
sea. Naval forces directly or indirectly are involved in law enforcement operations and must add the law
enforcement skillfulness to the existing war fighting capabilities. This requires professional education of
the personnel involved and focused training of units that perform MIO. That is what NATO Maritime
Interdiction Operational Trainin