should align international and EU policies in this sector. The same report suggests that better
information exchange and statistics on cyber security can help insurers to improve their actuarial
models, reduce own risks, and thus offering better contractual insurance conditions for the maritime
sector. Information exchange platforms can also provide Member States the tools for better
The maritime sector already has a significant contribution to Cyprus economy. The energy sector, and
particularly the oil and natural gas industry, is expected to give a significant boost in the Cyprus
economy in the coming years, so it is highly essential to invest in the proper protection of such
At national level, an effective security strategy is a critical element to achieve innovation and growth
and to promote investment. The government of Cyprus is recognising the importance of the effective
implementation of a national cyber-security strategy. The Cybersecurity of the Republic of Cyprus
adopted by the Council of Ministers is currently in an intensive implementation phase. The National
Cybersecurity strategy covers the fields of network and information security, cybercrime, cyberdefence
and international cooperation in the field of cybersecurity. The activities are coordinated by our office,
in close cooperation with the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works, the Ministry of Justice
and Public Order, the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as other
competent ministries and stakeholders.
A secure development of the required infrastructures is critical, so that stakeholders and investors can
gain the necessary confidence and safely embrace modern information and communication
technologies in their systems. The Cyprus authorities aim to enhance security levels and work with all
stakeholders including the maritime and the energy sectors in achieving these goals.
The implementation of the national Cybersecurity Strategy as well as the effective cooperation of all
stakeholders for the development and implementation of the relevant actions are very important for
enhancing network and information security, reducing crime, ensuring public confidence and enabling
cooperation at European and international level. Considering that the success in this area requires the
cooperation of the public and private sector, the competent authorities are seeking active participation
of the business community, the operators and all stakeholders, particularly from the Communications
and Information Technology, Energy, Health, Transport, Banking and Financial sectors.
I believe that the conference will contribute positively towards promoting cyber security practices and
I would like to wish every success in this event and I hope that this initiative will be of benefit to all the
stakeholders in the oil and natural gas industry that are attending today’s event.