money, just vision and mentality
to persevire. Things that really
work well and freelance are paid
surveys, teaching classes online,
selling crafts on Etsy or ebay, buy
and re-sell. I do have my own
clothing store too. Get creative
and you will find something that fit
your skill set and personality and
you will great your own branch.
3. Be a good leader
oad to professionalism
is a tough one, and there
is no standard road to
take because we are all different
with differend goals. Although
ew all do have a picture in our
heads he word professional is
mentioned. Some others imagine someone with uniform, costumes, knows how to express
his or her thoughts and how to
deal with frustration and pressure. Others imagine company
CEOS’s like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs.
stage every time you get out
share with you couple things
of the house. Thats a great
that you will benefit from. I do
advice to take with you.
feel you could give them a shot.
1. Express Yourself
What you say is important, but how
you said is important too and I dont
want you to think the other way.
You daily exposed to usefull information
and without eloquence it will be truly
hard people to take you seriously. Especially if you are negotiating, giving an advice you need to leave a good impression.
By expossing your self into differ
These are all successful ent situations and get a pool of inforpeople and we all love to read mation in your brain for good use.
their thoughts on a specific topic, since they are considered to Be prepared about your speach ahead by
be a valid source of information. thinking about how you want to convey
Personally, there may be a uni- your ideas and pass the information and
versal advice like ‘work hard’ close the deal. Moreover, think about bebut the motivation play a crucial fore you open your mouth if this is an
roles in these situations since opportunity or intepreted differently. Evalmost everyone is seduced by ery public speaker prepared before they
their own experience when it get on stage and it will be disappointcomes to success stories. Even ing and embarassed to end differently.
thought I may not read a level of Think your life like you are getting on
success, I do feel comfortable to
CyFitness Mag. | Issue 4
2. Take Any Opportunity
I never like having one skill. I
wanted to be good and have an
opinion in anything. So i took and
I take eevery opportunity that is
presented to me. Any good businessman will tell you its important to have more than one revenue stream. Its’s not about paying
your extra bills that may come up
or adding all eggs in one basket is
for your own good and mindset to
have a great set of skills.. Having
an additional source of income
can also help ensure that there
is a steady flow of cash that you
can put in your savings account.
Personally, I own a magazine,
I do photoshoots, PT and a lot
more to keep me active and not
only. You dont need two full time
jobs to earn a little bit of extra
i dont see any reason while not give your absolute best in your life.
5. Visualize Frequently
What you focus, on you attract. People think that behind someone who
is successful there was luck, but before luck there was visualization. Visualization is great to lift your spirits and power thought a rough task.
Use your imagination to see yourself being successful, closing the deal, having
the relationship, healing the illness—whatever the goal is that you wish to
manifest. The key to remember when visualizing is to always visualize that
you already have the thing you want. This is a mental trick. You don’t hope
you’ll achieve it, or build confidence that some day it will happen. No, with the
visualization technique you “live and feel it” as if it is happening to you now.
You want to stand out?Learn to
have leadership skills and support
your crowd. A good leader pro- So if you set a goal for yourself, passing that test, or making a video, writvides feedback and suggestions ing a book or making a short film visualize the end and set a delivery
that others are likely to follow. date.What worked for Arnold will work for you. I know this because I
have taught this system to millions of people worldwide and have seen
In other words, your words need the results. It’s not magic and it doesn’t happen overnight, but if you perto be guidelines not orders. sist in your vision, you will achieve it. What you focus on, you attract.
Your tasks need to be assigned like
missions, not as chores. However,
you cannot regard suggestions
that are better than yours as attempts to undermine your authority, since by doing so you prevent
good ideas from being realized.
4. Step out of your comfort zone
You may be tired of hear this over
and over again but the truth is
you will as big as your smallers
fears. Get out of your professional
comfort zone and become adaptable from turning to various
tasks, versatility. Problems will
be across your entire life, get use
to it. I didnt know any website
design or photoshop until I said
I have to great a personal website so i can build my brand. This
skills are extremely useful in todays world and there is no excuse
no google it and start learning.
Again the more skills the better. Sure it will take time to
great something great but
Issue 4 | Mag. CyFitness