CyFitness CyFitness Mag Jan - Mar 2016 | Page 32

COMMON PROGRAMMING ERRORS 1. Lack of addressing weak points Skipping your major weakness and failing to work on them is a huge mistake. Its not the movement most of the time you are lacking but the muscles that involve the movement-accessory work and it needs knowledge and mind body connection to address the root of the weakness. That how you break through a plateau and you become better athlete. For instance athletes who have excellent performance on a high volume exercise but struggling to go heavy on weights should aim to incorporate heavy lifting in the routine. 2. Not dedicating time on olympic lifting You already notice that most of the workouts in crossfit involves olympic lifts, snatch and clean and jerk. You need to keep working on those movements so you can reward yourself with success. Olympic Weightlifting rewards good technique. It’s up to you and how dedicated you are to incorporate workout variations, technique and strength work into your programming. 3. You don’t change your workout load Your training should varied from low intensity, volume to high from day to month. I said it before and I will said it again. If you dont push yourself and if you dont go moderate you will not see progress. You cant go heavy all the time neither light all the time as it will fry your CNS. Your body is smart. For example, Monday is heavy loads with low volume, Tuesday moderate loads and high volume, Wednesday is low loads and high volume. Rest on Thursday so you can lift heavy and fresh on Friday This is just one example, but the intent of wave programming is to break up the volume and intensity of your training sessions throughout the weeks and months that you train to allow an athlete maximize their focus, motivation and physical potential. 4. You dont add metabolic conditioning components in your training Metabolic conditioning describes exercises that are used to increase the storage and delivery of energy in an athlete. These are rowing, running and cycling. Fantastic ways to increase both your aerobic and anaerobic capacity, but they need to be addressed as single components in a workout and not combined with other exercises. Just as you perform strength and gymnastic work with various volume and load, so too should you address your metabolic conditioning in the same manner. You can vary the pace and distance on your runs, rows, or cycling work to train your anaerobic system training this system helps your body tap into energy sources stored in your muscles since your body’s demand for oxygen exceeds the supply available, or your aerobic system (important for longer workouts, where your body needs to be efficient at taking oxygen in and distributing blood to the working muscles). Mary Soteriou Mary Soteriou is 23 years old professional fitness model. Graduated from college with degree in nursing but her passion for fitness is stronger than the graduate carrier. Works at a local gym in Cyprus she has been on stage as IFBB athlete in Cyprus and abroad more than 5 times.