CyFitness CyFitness Mag Jan - Mar 2016 | Page 24

3. CHANGE YOUR WEAKNESS TO STRENGTH H “DONT BE IN A HURRY TO ACHIEVE EVERYTHING ALL AT ONCE: TRUST THE PROCESS AND ENJOY THE JOURNEY” Source: Go to any commercial gym and I bet you'll see most guys doing biceps curls or bench presses, and most gals doing cardio or working on their butts. A lot of people spend the majority of their time in the gym working on their favorite muscle groups or doing their favorite exercises. Yeah nice body but what can you do with it? Sure, you biceps-curlers might have big arms, and you booty-blasters might have tight buns, but eventually your positive body composition changes will come to a disappointing halt. Moreover, exclusively or semi-exclusively training just one or two body parts can make your physique unbalanced, your body more prone to injury, and your overall fitness a joke. To be a good bodybuilder, a good CrossFitter, a good athlete, or even just a fit, healthy person, you must be well-rounded. That means sometimes you have to do movements that you suck at. That may be olympic lifts, rope climbs, handstand walk etc. Every CrossFittter has a weakness. For me, it was the Olympic lifts. For others, it might be handstand pushups or rowing. To be successful in the gym, you must have the mentality to overcome your weakness. When you work on movements you don’t usually do, you exert your muscles in new ways and recruit different fibers you normally don’t use. This stimulates growth and builds overall muscle in your entire body. By constantly learning new and challenging physical skills, you force your body to grow all over. Pick a new exercise and give it a go, dont wait any longer. CyFitness Mag. | Issue 4 23 ospitals feed cancer patients sugar and high carbohydrate diets for a reason: they are abysmally ignorant of the role of nutrition in health and disease -hence their burgeoning growth and packed rooms. Hospitals have actually invited corporations like McDonald's to move into their facilities to 'enhance' their patient's gustatory experience, presumably to provide comfort and take the edge off of the painful surgery, radiation and chemo treatments erroneously proffered to them as the only reasonable 'standard of care.' grain products annually like crackers, bread, pasta, cereal, refine carbohydrates are actually ‘hidden’ forms of sugar. In fact, puffed rice causes your blood to become sweeter (and presumably feeds more cancer cells sugar) than white sugar, as it is higher on the glycemic index. In other words we get 360lbs of sugar annually ( table sugar/ high frutose corn cyrup or grain carbs) all ideal to promote the cancer cells. What should you do? This is one reason why the ketogenice diet, a protein focused diet devoid of carbs both in simple and comple form, has been found so useful in the most aggressive of cancers: including brain cancer. But the times are changing, with new research requiring these medical institutions to reform their dietary strategies. Why do we use so much then? Because we become addictive to it. Sugar triggers our brain cells in such a way to want more and more. The down side of this are empty calories, they have no nutritional value. Within minut \