CyFitness CyFitness Mag Jan - Mar 2016 | Page 22

Training “Anytime you find yourself saying, ‘Damn it, I can’t do that,’ you have a hole in your fitness.” The magic is in the movements. All of CrossFit’s workouts are based on functional movements. These are the core movements of life, found everywhere, and built naturally into our DNA. “NO ONE ELSE IS TESTING FITNESS, AND AT THIS POINT, NO ONE CAN MAKE A CLAIM” I came across with crossfit almost 2 years ago. You know what they told me? Any kind of grap you can imagine, that crossfit created by chiropractors to continue the business flow and earn more money. I was short minded at that point so I took it. After 15 months I finally decided to leave the weight room and start doing crossfit and enter various crossfit games across the gloe. My first was in my home town Cyprus, December 2015 I place 17/30. Great experience and got my weak points checked so i can improved for the Crossfit Opens 2016. Anyohow, I got bored seeing the same machines every day so I quit the normal gym and I start crossfit. I fall in love since then. Amazing and intense workouts, the environment is different, you can take your shirt off CyFitness Mag. | Issue 4 HOW FIT ARE YOU? without having haters wying at you plus you can drop the weight. Friendly and motivaitonal atmosphere. Dont’ get fooled by society opinion and thats was my mistake. Ofcourse you will hear people saying ‘I got hurt, i have pain here and there’ and that should not discourge you. There is a different bettween pain and injury. If you got injured and you quit, thats your fault you lack mobility and stretching and you should educate yourself and stay in the game with proper rehabilation. Not every workout will play to your strength. I create my own workouts and my are no different. What separates the men from the boys and the women from the girls is the drive you have to finish. 21 CROSSFIT THEORY CrossFit is an evidence-based fitness program. Meaningful statements about safety, efficacy and efficiency — the three most important and interdependent facets of any fitness program. It offer the world’s most useful definition of fitness: increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains. Capacity is the ability to do real work, which is measurable using the basic terms of physics (force, distance and time). Life is unpredictable so real world fitness must be broad and not specialized, both in terms of duration and type of effort. HOW CROSSFIT TESTS EVERYTHING? CrossFit begins with a belief in fitness. The aim of CrossFit is to forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness. Trainers have sought to build a program that will best prepare trainees for any physical contingency — not only for the unknown, but for the unknowable. CrossFit gyms use equipment from multiple disciplines, including barbells, dumbbells, gymnastics rings, pull-up bars, jump ropes, kettlebells, medicine balls, plyo boxes, resistance bands, rowers, foam rollers and various mats. CrossFit is focused on “constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movement,” drawing on categories and exercises such as: calisthenics, Olympic-style weightlifting, powerlifting, Strongman-type events, plyometrics, body weight exercises, indoor rowing, aerobic exercise, running, and swimming. You don’t have to be a CrossFitter to apply some of their strategies for mental toughness to your own workout. TIPS TO CONQUER YOUR WORKOUTS If you ever look Crossfit games on you tube you will notice those incredible physiques cheering in the audience and competing in the arena. They have to be strong, powerful and able to work for long period of times. And seriously i like how they look bigger and learner and once more high intensity training along with strength proof its effectiveness. So in order to survive the workouts, I had to come up with mental strategies in order to cope with the workload and finish the workouts. If not, the weights will cr