Families and individuals are primarily responsible for preparing
themselves and protecting their property and assets against cyclones.
The combined actions, or lack of actions taken, by individuals and families
can have a major influence on the severity of an emergencies impact.
In major emergency situations, Emergency Service Officers do not have the
capacity to prevent and protect against the emergency threat for every
individual or family at risk.
It is the role and responsibility of families and individuals to ensure they are
as well prepared for, protected against and financially self-sufficient before,
during and after a cyclonic event.
Families and individuals should:
Be fully aware of the risk potential hazards have on regular
activities such as work, schooling etc.
If appropriate, arrange adequate personal insurance for
vehicles, home and contents and any other personal Insurance.
Make plans and preparations for dealing with an emergency
situation; ensuring the entire household, including your children,
are aware of the plans and their responsibilities during an
emergency event.
Become aware of local emergency plans and arrangements;
including potential risks to the local community, the location of
welfare centres, information regarding preparing your home and
family for a cyclone, family emergency kits etc.
Familiarise yourself and your family with emergency procedures
for cyclones. There is a large variety of information material
available via the DFES website;