< a href =" http :// www . jquery . com " title =" jQuery " class =" foo "> jQuery . com 1 </ a > < a href =""> jQuery . com </ a >
< script src =" http :// ajax . googleapis . com / ajax / libs / jquery / 1.7.2 / jquery . min . js "></ script >
< script >
( function ($) { // Alerts " 1 " alert ($(' a [ title =" jQuery "][ href^ =" http ://"]'). length );
})( jQuery );
</ script > </ body > </ html >
Notice in the code how we have stacked two filters to accomplish this selection . Other selector filters can be stacked besides just attribute filters . For example :
// Select the last < div > contained in the // wrapper set that contains the text " jQuery ". $(' div : last : contains (" jQuery ")') // Get all check boxes that are both visible and selected . $(': checkbox : visible : checked ')
The concept to take away is that selector filters can be stacked and used in combination .
Notes : You can also nest and stack filters — e . g . $(' p '). filter (': not (: first ): not (: last )').
Nesting selector filters
Selector filters can be nested . This enables you to wield filters in a very concise and powerful manner . Below , I give an example of how you can nest filters to perform complex filtering .
Sample : sample31 . html
<! DOCTYPE html > < html lang =" en "> < body > < div > javascript </ div > < div >< span class =" jQuery "> jQuery </ span ></ div > < div > javascript </ div > < div >< span class =" jQuery "> jQuery </ span ></ div >