CyberScape Africa Magazine Q2 2019 | Page 40

CYBER SCAPE AFRICA | Q2 2019 THE MARA FRAMEWORK An African Cybersecurity Innovation MARA is a Mobile Application Reverse engineering and Analysis Framework. It is basically a tool that puts together commonly used mobile application reverse engineering and analysis tools, so as to assist in testing mobile applications against the OWASP mobile security threats. The tool worked quite well, and we decided to open source it to the cyber security community, so that other pentesters and researchers could have a much easier time reverse engineering and analyzing mobile applications. Its objective is to make the task easier and friendlier to mobile application developers and security professionals. MARA is developed and maintained by Christian and Chrispus. Mobile application reverse engineering can seem like quite a daunting task. This is mostly due to the fact that a number of tools are required to get the job done, where you convert a mobile application from one form to another. For example disassembling an android APK into a java class file (JAR) or even to smali, which is more or less a human readable version of assembly. MARA was developed out of necessity. Chrispus and I were reverse engineering and analyzing tons of mobile applications, and the process was quite repetitive and soon it became tiresome and boring. Mostly because of running the same decompilation tools, with the same commands over and over again, across different apps. That’s when we figured, it was about time to sit down and automate the whole process. So we started out the process of writing a couple of bash scripts and after a few months, we came up with MARA framework. 40 At the heart of MARA, is simply a number of bash scripts that tie together really awesome, reliable and well known mobile application reverse engineering tools, scanners and an excellent deobfuscator. This is so that they can all be used in a systematic way. The tools themselves can also be used independently, in the event a specific use for the tools is required and the capability is not included in the bash scripts. Up until this date, MARA has gone through a few script updates, bug fixes and tool updates. In all honesty, MARA is still in its very early stages of development and there is a lot more to come, in line with our roadmap. The tool by far is neither the best in the market, nor contains the cleanest code. However, what we are happy about is that it works, and sometimes that’s just what someone needs to get the job done. If you would like to try out MARA Framework, you can download it here and try it out for yourself. Any contributions and suggestions for the tool will be highly appreciated. Christian Kisutsa Information Security Analyst