CyberScape Africa Magazine Q2 2019 | Page 4

Editorial Note A coming phenomenon yet to happen mainstream in Africa is cybersecurity marketing - and here we mean marketing as a service. Most service and products providers have made strides to invest in the traditional, old is gold marketing methods that the industry rus on currently. It has worked, much, maybe even a lot for these actors thus far and the methods are here to stay. No doubt. Now, here is the next decade’s prediction - a natural path for the industry really, be sure to catch it as you read. There is an increasing demand for cybersecurity services and products in Africa, for obvious reasons; more and more awareness of the importance of cyber & information security in organizations, new regulations and laws that demand for specific standards of security in enterprises, organizations being hit by cyber attacks and data breaches more causing many organizations to set up security controls and process, security has also become quite a competitive advantage with customers and users considering it and caring more about about the privacy of their data. Demand curve will only go upwards. The current push for Africa Single Digital Market is a timely affair. More realization of fighting as a continent in the global battlefield is bringing industries together in diverse ways across borders. Actors within the African eco-system are looking to expand their portfolios and do more partnerships to deliver on this. With expanded offerings, the next move is to take on the continent - going Pan African. Both of these things are increasingly happening right now, fostering an intra-African trading scheme within the private players. One thing - being a truly African brand takes work to create own identity and promote oneself. Uptake is rising, so does the supply. There are many services and products providers in the eco-system, only some solutions provider :) Again, it is obviously anticipated that the number of providers will increase across the board. Expect good competition and drive to stand out. Wait, drive to be at the forefront. New services, nascent areas like cyber insurance will stalk running - in this next decade. Then come backing - capital investments - it will be a venture capitalists world in the cybersecurity in Africa. If you have lots of cash, start considering. Open checks will flow too. Africa is a new frontier of cybersecurity - it is poised to be a powerhouse. Wait for the continent to seriously export cyber talent, build local cyber capital in a whole new paradigm. With all of these things and more unsaid, one thing remains. That part that lets us interact and engage actors - marketing. There will be a huge investment in marketing efforts, like said earlier, to stand out and be at the forefront. Marketing is everything as is said - it will make the biggest difference in market presence. This time it will be need to be done different, thus Marketing As a Service(MaaS) in the sector will be come to life - backed by a vital demand for dedicated, strategic, systemic and sustained marketing initiatives. Cyber In Africa (.Com), a cybersecurity media business, the viewpoint of Africa’s cybersecurity, with a mission to bring Africa’s cybersecurity to the forefront of national,regional and continental conversations and actions - is positioned to be a leading Marketing As a Service (MaaS) provider for cybersecurity eco-system in Africa. Through our creative, custom and end-to-end dedicated, strategic, systemic and sustained media, communications and marketing portfolio and initiatives. We have observed two factors of interest: there will be a jumpstart in investments in in-industry activities and social engagements and responsibilities by organizations, companies and other players in the industry. This issue bring s forth considerations of cybersecurity in the public space, covering terrorism in the digital, taking a look at security in critical systems that support our daily lives. It captures essence of dat and its analysis, explore privacy of the same in financial tech sector while giving a rundown of managing cybersecurity risks in the African cyberscape. Be sure to take a close read and give some good feedback in our feedback cycle featured inside.