CyberScape Africa Magazine Q2 2019 | Page 35

CYBER SCAPE AFRICA | Q2 2019 Speaking to those joining the field, especially ladies - share with them your career starter & growth checklist. Most of the time, the top level management's first question is - how much will this cost? For how long? The only way to make them understand the return of that investment is to show them what they will lose if a sensible data leak or data breach occurs, in terms of legal sanctions, bad reputation and image, loss of clients etc. First of all, having and keeping faith. During the journey of my career, I've always kept my faith in God, to do amazing things in my life and give me the strength and the confidence I needed and still need. Secondly, three words: passion – skills – worth. Be passionate and curious. Get more and more skills. Be polyvalent. Establish your worth and they will come for it. Thirdly, I never joined this field with the mind, that being a woman is a weakness. I used that as an advantage instead; to prove what a man can do, a woman can do, even better. It is as simple as that. And last, but not least, being in cybersecurity isn’t about hacking, coding, being a geek only. Cybersecurity is not only about tech skills, but also legal, management, risk analysis, finance, HR, change management, and all others humans skills. You can be in cybersecurity and totally embrace your femininity, your faith, yours dreams and most importantly your personality. I like to see myself as a SHERO in a digital world, and you can also be one, too. When the top level management becomes fully aware that information is a crucial asset for the company, they should be very willing to protect and secure it by all costs. The movement of women in cybersecurity in growing by the day with new groups coming around. How are you involved in this ? Are you supporting the same in Africa ? I am really proud of what I am doing in Africa about women in cybersecurity. I really try to involve myself through mentorship, by sharing my story and my experiences as a black woman in cybersecurity from Africa and in Europe. I do some online conference meetings to sensitize everyone on information security and committing myself to different projects. I think I can do a lot more, I hope to do more actually. I’m working on it. Stay tuned. Tell us about your experiences as a woman in cybersecurity. Jessica GOMEZ Information Security I can summarise my experiences as a woman in cybersecurity in 3 words: Passion – skills – worth. Without my passion for information security, cybersecurity and data privacy, I think I would not be there to fight for my place in the field. CISO, Senior Advisor/Consultant in information security, information system, data privacy and cybersecurity. Specialist in risk analysis and information security compliance. Without developing and showing my skills, I wouldn’t have a career in cybersecurity. I must improve myself, must be constantly innovative and understand the needs and fears of my company and my clients. I have to be polyvalent in every areas of cybersecurity. I am also building my worth in information and cybersecurity. All that matters for me is to establish and prove my worth, and to make it available to the world. I cannot deny the fact that, it is a man‘s world, and as a woman, sometimes, I get some surprising reflections from men, but not only negatives ones. For now, no majors issues, but so much fun and good challenges. 35