Cyber Bullying and General Information - Volume 1, March 2014 | Page 4

Profile of a Bully By: LABC & YRABC Cyberbullying: The use of technology to verbally, socially, or psychologically attack someone. Today’s children are dealing with things that we in our days never had to deal with. The relationship between parents and children, and the power we have to effect change is paramount with technology constantly changing. Profile of a Bully: Bullies are not all bad kids; they are just making bad decisions and behaving inappropriately. 1. May witness physical and verbal violence or aggression at home. They have a positive view of this behavior, and they act aggressively toward other people, including adults. 2. The bully who has been both bullied and then becomes the bully. These bullies lash out as a result of being at the receiving end of bullying themselves in order to get some relief. 3. Are often physically strong. Although there are different types of bullies, there seems to be a common thread. 1. They like being looked up to and often expect everyone to behave according to their wishes. Think highly of themselves. 2. Find it hard to see a situation from the other person’s perspective. 3. Are concerned only with their wants and pleasures and not the needs, rights, and feelings of others. 4. Tend to hurt other kids when parents or other adults are not around. 5. View weaker peers as victims. 6. Use blame, criticism, and false allegations to project their own inadequacies onto their target. 7. Refuse to accept responsibility for their actions. 8. Lack the ability to consider the short-term, longterm, and possible unintended consequences of their current behaviour. 4. Have trouble following rules. 9. Crave attention. 5. Show little concern for the feelings of others. “Bullying is not about anger or conflict. It’s about contempt, a powerful feeling of dislike toward somebody considered to be worthless, inferior, or underserving of respect.” – Barbara Colorosso